August 23, 2009


for every being cursed with self-awareness, there remains the unanswerable question. who am i?

we struggle to find meaningful connections to one another. we are the caring friend, the loving father, the doting mother, the protected child. we fight and we love in the hope that somehow, together, we can understand our significance in the universe.

however, in the end, no one can share our burden. each of us alone must answer the question...who am i? what does it mean to be alive? and in the vast infinity of time, how do i matter?

there are nearly 7 billion people on this planet. each one unique, different. what are the chances of that? and why? is it simply biology, physiology that determines this diversity? a collection of thoughts, memories, experience that carve out our own special place?

or is it something more than this?

perhaps there is a master plan that drives the randomness of creation. something unknowable that dwells in the soul and presents each one of us with a unique set of challenges that will help us discover who we really are.

we are all connected. joined together by invisible thread. infinite in its potential, and fragile in its design. yet while connected, we are also merely individuals. empty vessels to be filled with infinite possibilities. an assortment of thoughts, beliefs. a collection of disjointed memories and experiences.

can i be me without this? can you be you?

and if this invisible thread that holds us together were to sever, to cease...what then? what will become of billions of lone, disconnected souls? there in lies the great quest of our lives, to find, to connect, to hold on. for when our hearts are pure, and our thoughts in line, we are all truly one. capable of repairing our fragile world and creating a universe of infinite possibilities.

August 21, 2009

what type of hero/villian are you???

its after the projecting period.
and here is something ive thought all this while which explains my absence from blogging.

on the sixth day, god created man in his own image. and now it is up to us to figure it all out. each of us is a capacity to decide what drives our actions. so what is it, then, that make some choose selflessness, the need to devote themselves to something greater, while others know only self-interest? isolating themselves in a world of their own-making?

some seek love, even if unrequited, while others are driven by fear and betrayal. there are those who see their choices as dark proof of god's absence, while others follow a path of noble destiny.

but in the end, good, evil, right, or wrong...what we choose is never what we really need. for that is the ultimate cosmic joke, the real gift that god has left behind.

there is good, and there is evil...right and wrong...heroes and villians. and if we are blessed with wisdom, then there are glimpses between the cracks of each where light streams through... we wait in silence for these times when sense can be made... when meaningless existence comes into focus, and our purpose presents itself. and if we have the strength to be honest, then what we find there staring back at us is our own reflection... bearing witness to the duality of life...

that each one of us is capable of both the dark and the light, of good and evil, of either...of all. and destiny, while marching ever in our direction, can be rerouted by the choices we make, by the love we hold onto and promises we keep.